civil engineering Division

  • SGCE renders its services in the field of executing civil works. Civil engineering is perhaps the broadest of the engineering fields, for it deals with the creation, improvement, and protection of the communal environment, providing facilities for living, industry and transportation, including large buildings, roads, bridges, canals, railroad lines, airports, water-supply systems, dams, irrigation, harbors, docks, aqueducts, tunnels, and other engineered constructions including rehabilitation works. The professionals at SGCE are committed to provide high quality services, in which, safety is first, in the hierarchy of preferences; and economy being the second. Client satisfaction is always kept in mind in providing all the related services. 


    • Design of Structures
    • Design of shallow and deep foundations
    • Pile design
    • Geometric and structural design of roads
    • Mix design for Reinforced concrete and Roller Compacted Concrete “RCC”
    • Rehabilitation of civil structures
    • Civil works supervision and post construction services
    • Geotechnical Engineering
    • Pre-feasibility and feasibility studies of dams and hydropower projects
    • Lab and field tests on soil and concrete
    • Quality Assurance and Quality control
    • Design of grouts
    • Design of bridges
    • Design of Dams
    • Design of Tunnel
    • Slope stability studies including remedial measures and design
    • Hydraulics Design for Canal structures, barrages and river works
    • Hydrological Studies (Surface and Subsurface)


SGCE provide services in the fields of dams, water Resources and Hydropower, Engineering Geology which includes but not limited to Geological studies, Rock Mechanics, GIS, Geophysics, Seismotectonics, construction materials and minerals; Foundation analyses and design,  Pavements designs, study of landslides, Geohazards, Petrographic analyses, tunnel design, field / lab testing and construction material evaluation.

SGCE provides complete spectrum of services ranging from project inception to its design and implementation. This includes site selection, investigations, geological mapping, pre-feasibility & feasibility studies, planning, design, preparation of tender document, evaluation of bids for award of contracts. Quality Assurance and Quality Control. Construction supervision and post construction services.